Launch on Twitter

Developer Setup Instructions

1. Install Miniconda:

- Download and install Miniconda by following the instructions here: Miniconda Installation.

2. Clone the repository:

git clone 
cd Eternals

3. Activate Conda Environment:

- Create and activate a Conda environment for Python 3.10.0:

conda create -n myenv python=3.10.0
conda activate myenv

4. Install Dependencies:

- Install the required Python packages using pip.

pip install -r requirements.txt

5. Create a .env File:

- In the root of your repository, create a .env file to store your environment variables.

cp .env.example .env

6. Authorize Twitter API Access:

- Visit EternalAI Developer Connect to connect your Twitter account and authorize it to generate your Twitter API key.

7. Obtain Inference API Key:

- Go to EternalAI and connect your account to retrieve your inference API key.

8. Configure the .env File:

- Open your .env file and insert your Twitter API key and inference API key in the following format:

# Environment

# for contract based llm

# twitter api

9. (Optional) Edit Dagent Personality:

- You can customize your dagent's personality by editing the config/eternal.json file according to your preferences. Learn more.

10. Run the Application:

- Execute the main script to start the application:


Last updated